Last night, I facilitated a pleasure party in San Ramon for some of my all time favorite customers! Stephanie and Paula are pictured here in my blog – with their permission!
That is one of the reasons I love these women. They do not hold back! Very few Bliss Pleasure Party hostesses want to be photographed. But, I always say that a fantastic pleasure party starts with a fantastic and open minded hostess. The hostess sets the tone for the entire party.
I first met Stephanie and Paula about 5 years ago when they hosted a party to earn money for their Breast Cancer fundraiser. I love doing pleasure parties for a great cause! (If you’d like more information about how that works, just call me at 408-712-3809 and we can discuss the details.)
These ladies go all out! And, their friends all have that same SEX IS FUN attitude, so it always makes for a memorable party. And, every year they have a theme. This year’s theme was a “Sexy Kitten” pleasure party in honor Paula’s 40th birthday. (Oh and all of their friends have absolutely FIERCE manicures. Stephanie is the owner of a nail shop called Nail Candy. Check out her fan page on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/Nailcandy and LIKE her page.)
When I say they go all out – I mean they make sexy goodies to munch on and naughty cocktails for the ladies to drink. This year they had “weenies and balls” in the crock pot. They also had pizza in the shape of a penis. LOVE THESE WOMEN!
We love their style! They are two of my all time favorite customers and we think this year’s party might have been #5 over the last 5 years. WOO HOO. Thanks ladies!
If you like our style, LIKE us on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection
Would you like to book your own Pleasure Party or find out more about our fundraiser pleasure parties? Call Bliss at 408-712-3809 or you can book online using Schedulicity on our pleasure party website www.BlissPartiesInc.com