Nina Hartley on Better Sex Bliss Radio on June 2nd

by Chrystal Bougon on May 29, 2010

Nina Hartley on Better Sex Radio June 2nd at 11  a.m.  Hear us Stream Live at

I am a mix of excited, honored and in awe! Love Nina and all that she does to help all of us have GREAT SEX. Most men (and lots of women, too)  I know have fond memories of Nina and her world famous heart shaped butt. She has been entertaining us and educating us for years. When I owned my adult store in Sunnyvale, we use to sell a whole bunch Nina’s Instructional DVD’s. She has titles like “How to Make Love to a Woman”, “Nina Hartley’s Guide to Anal Sex”, “Nina Hartley’s Guide to Cunnilingus” and so many more. (And for those of you who would love to be reminded of Nina’s Sexplorations over the years, check out her luscious website.) NSFW! Do not click over if you are at work.

And this coming Wednesday, June 2nd at 11 a.m. Pacific, she is going to talk with us on Better Sex Radio about her newest venture called SexWise.TV where she continues her legacy of blunt, honest discourse about sex. We all owe Nina Hartley a ton of gratitude for all she has done for SEX in American and Great Sex all over the planet. LOVE HER! This is from her SexWise.Me website:

“ is a place where adults can come together and discuss sex, sexuality and sexual expression – where any discussion, as long as it is adult, legal and consensual, is on the table, without judgment. I invite you to join me in creating a wonderful, vibrant, living community of people dedicated to an ongoing conversation about all aspects of sexuality as it relates to life, love and relationships.”

I am really excited to talk with this living legend and learn more about what she is up to…. and if we’re lucky, we will see if we can get Nina to share with us her favorite sex toy, too!

Be sure to sign up for our RSS Feed in the top right hand corner to keep up with our future Better Sex Radio Shows. You can also sign up for our newsletter on our very tasteful online sex toy store or join us on Facebook on our Fan Page at – we are close to 1,000 fans and we will be giving away a SQUWEEL and a 12 pack of C batteries to one of our 1,000 fans when we hit that goal! Blissfully, Chrystal

Sex Toy Expert / Pleasure Coach


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Nina Hartley May 31, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Thanks so much, Chrystal, for the lovely write up. It’s so nice to hear that people have received my videos in the spirit in which they were offered! Everyone does want to have better sex and only by sharing our experiences can we achieve that. Oh, and lots of practice! I almost forgot that part. Thanks for being part of the discussion about sex, sexuality and sexual expression. We can never know too much about sex, as you never know when a certain tidbit we picked up from a blog or radio interview will spring to mind at just the right moment.

I look forward to talking with you on Wednesday!

Chrystal May 31, 2010 at 10:57 pm

Thank you so much, Nina. I am very excited to talk with you on Wednesday and let’s talk GREAT SEX!

Pamela Smale Williams LPC LMFT AAMFT AASECT June 8, 2010 at 12:47 pm

When will Nina’s tv show be aired and on what channel/station? I am in Texas and would be interested in being a guest and in tuning in to her fabulous way of thinking.

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