Penis Genius is a savvy guide to a man’s most compelling organ and how to work it for his pleasure as well as your own. Filled with ingenious techniques for working his wand–from giving a great hand job to blowing his mind (and his member) to finding the best intercourse positions for every shape and size of penis from the huge hulk to the small and nimble to every size and bend in between.
Penis Genius also addresses age-old questions such as “Why does it curve to the right?” and “Do circumcised cocks feel more sensation?” Real men also weigh in on what makes them rise to the occasion and what’s a cold shower. This book fills in the information gaps and educates women on how to work the penis–and a man’s attachment to it. Penis Genius gives answers to questions you’ve always wondered about his wand–but never dared to ask.
Have you heard of a website called Oysters & Chocolate? Well, it’s the website of the authors of this fab book and you will find all kinds of erotica, erotica reviews, their other books and lots of more sexy fun stuff! www.OystersandChocolate.
Well, this should be an interesting show today! I am thrilled to announce the authors of “Penis Genius” will be on the show today talking with us about how to master your man’s most prized posession! You can tune in live at 11 a.m. pacific ( on www.blogtalkradio.com/blissradio ) or tune in to our podcats on iTunes at www.BlissoniTunes.com starting around 1 p.m. today. Plus you can hear our past podcasts on all topics you can imagine related to sex, dating, marriage, bondage, and everything else under the sun!
You can also check out our online sex toy store at www.BlissConnection.com if you want to browse our toys, books, lubricants and more. Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon