Better Sex Radio: Negotiating Successful Threesomes

by Chrystal Bougon on November 28, 2010

Negotiating Sucessful Threesomes

Sex with two people can be tricky enough. Imagine adding in a third person and all of the complications that can ensue. I recently attended a sex seminar in Santa Cruz called “Negotiating Successful Threesomes” taught by Reid Mihalko, Sex Expert, Relationship Coach and the founder of  If you do not already know about Reid – RUN, don’t walk to his website and fan page. I promise, you will want to know him. He is ELEVATING the concept of sex and making even the most taboo topics easy to understand. (Pure Pleasures in Santa Cruz puts on all kinds of fabulous classes every Tuesday night. Check them out. They are

I love the headline on his website : “Be the change you want to see in your bedroom.”  I am a big believer in that, too. As I like to say, if you are bored in your bedroom, it’s likely your partner is too. NOW OWN IT.  (You can read my blog called 3 Ways to Beat Bedroom Boredom here.)

Reid’s seminar was not just a seminar on threesomes. Reid teaches NO NONSENSE relationship 101. All of the skills and tools he teaches for negotiating a menage a trois are the same skills and tools that will work in and out of the bedroom. Reid really breaks it down and helps you to understand what you need to feel “love, honored and cherished” in all aspects of your life.

One of my favorite writing relationship exercises Reid suggested we try out in the context of our own relationships goes something like this:

Q1 What am I not saying?

Q2 Who am I not saying it to?

Q3 What am I afraid is going to happen if I say it to my partner?

Q4 What would I like to happen after telling my partner?

Q5 What else am I not saying?

As Reid says, you will start building your “honesty muscles” when you start working on that exercise on a regular basis. Juicy and good stuff. We all know that great communication leads to great sex and great relationships. But as Reid says, for some people talking about sex causes more anxiety then going to the dentist.

I am really excited to welcome Reid to Better Sex Radio this Wednesday, Dec. 8th at 11 a.m. If you would like to tune in live this Wednesday, click on Better Sex Radio on Blog Talk Radio or you can listen to the podcast on iTunes. on any time after Wednesday afternoon.

Have any questions for Reid about group sex or threesomes? Comment here and we will be sure to cover that topic this week.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Amy November 29, 2010 at 11:41 pm

Such a great class! And one minor correction – we hold classes weekly, Tuesday-Thursday evenings (varies depending on the week). They are all listed here:

Chrystal Bougon November 30, 2010 at 11:13 pm

Thank you, Amy. I am such a big fan of your female owned sex toy store in Santa Cruz. It’s beautiful and great classes, too.

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