Seeking Sex Toy Bloggers for

by Chrystal Bougon on June 9, 2010

Post image for Seeking Sex Toy Bloggers for
Love Sex Toys? Have a passion for writing? Want to combine the two? Well then we have a PROPOSAL for you! Become a Sex Toy Reviewer and help us to BLOG about Sex Toys and other Romance Products from (And, we want the good, bad and the ugly. I would only ever want you to write REAL blogs and share your REAL feelings about the products – even if you hate them.)

For starters, you will need to set up a FREE blog if you do not already have a blog or somewhere to POST your blog. I can recommend,, or Google’s as a great place to set up a FREE blog. You might even consider using Squidoo, which is also free. Here is an example of my FIRST blog that I created a couple of years ago on Blogger:

Secondly, if you would like to “audition” for one of our 5 to 10 Open Positions, please write a 350 – 500 word blog about your favorite sex toy. It’s ok if you did not buy it from our online store or from one of our Pleasure Parties. This is just an audition. Go ahead and write a blog about your favorite vibe, dildo, dong, butt plug, lube, oil, cream, etc etc. I just want to see an example of your writing and your style – plus your enthusiasm for the sex toy should come through.  Maybe even preface the blog entry as a “trial run” or “audition” for a Sex Toy Reviewer for .

You can ABSOLUTELY remain anonymous. The only person who will know your pseudonym is me – since I will need to send you a FREE sex toy to review every 4 to 6 weeks. But, I promise your secret is safe with me if you want to remain incognito. (Believe me, people trust me with some pretty big secrets and I have not cracked yet!)

To audition, please set up your FREE blog, create an entry that is 350 – 500 words long, add a photo of the product or some other graphic to the blog, mention somewehre in the blog and send the link to my email at BlissConnection @ for me to review. Please write the words “Sex Toy Audition” in the subject so I can spot it easily in my IN BOX.

Looking forward to your entries and auditions! I want to find 5 solid reviewers – maybe more – so please send them in a.s.a.p.  Blissfully, Chrystal

Want to join in our dialogue and LIKE Bliss?  Join us on Facebook at


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Clyde Lerner June 17, 2010 at 7:35 am


Love the new blog. I like the way you’re always thinking, always upgading, always improving.

You’re an inspirational to us all!


Chrystal June 17, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Thanks, Clyde. I just love the new design!

Rogue June 21, 2010 at 9:08 pm

I’ve been a sex-positive writer for several years, and you can see several toy reviews in a right-hand column of my blog, Urban Roguery.

If you think you may enjoy the perspective of an intelligent, nurturing, naughty man, please feel free to take a peek and then email me with your thoughts.

Live shameslessly.

Chrystal Bougon June 21, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Hey ROGUE. I will check out your blog for sure. Thanks!

Anonymous November 15, 2010 at 6:04 am

We love Lexi’s blog here:

and be sure to check out sapphire


Sarah Marlatt March 7, 2011 at 10:03 pm

Will be writing! I wonder which toy I’ll pick? Hmmmm…Liberator Wedge or Purple Metallic Massager?

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